This website is dedicated to Robyn Martin and Arlo Acton. We thank them for inviting us to their home, for the inspiring and interesting stories they shared and for giving us the chance to learn so many things while we stayed with them. Through the kindness of their openness, hospitality, and generosity, we were able to become a part of the story of Olala Farms. They have been a great inspiration to us and we have thought back to the time on the farm, with a smile on our faces, many times since we left, and we will be forever grateful. We hope Olala Farms will continue teaching valuable life lessons and being an inspiration to all.
We thank Kara and Aero Acton so much for the time they took to answer our questions and for sharing their personal stories about the farm and the time they spent there. We greatly enjoyed the time we spent with them in their beautiful home, and are grateful for the delicious sandwiches and american pizza they shared with us. They have been a great help during our time at Olala Farms - Thank you!
We would like to thank Ana Acton and Jeremy Dunlap for welcoming us into their home and showing us how to pickle (we often dream about these delicious pickles)! Thanks for the incredible stories you shared, for showing us the fields, and for fixing our rental car. We wish them all the best with the farm and with their little one!
A special thanks goes to Larry Desmond. If it had not been for him we would have never met Robyn, Arlo and all the other wonderful people we have met at Olala Farms. He has been of great help during the whole process of working on this website - Thank you so much!
Thanks to our dear parents, Kurt and Marianne Reusser and Heidi and Joachim Lehmann. Without them, this project would not have been possible. Thanks for your financial and moral support and for placing your trust in the two of us and in this project!
We would also like to acknowledge Brigitte Frizzoni and Michèle Dick, who have been our supervisors. Thank you for the confidence you put on us and for all the wonderful freedoms we enjoyed while working on this project.
Last but not least, we want to thank everyone who supported us in our endeavor to produce this website and who starred in the videos we uploaded: Debrah Love, Arthur Yarborough, Rodger Rawlings, Bill Pynchon, Patti and Bob Carballar, Rusty and Casey Fites-Kaufman, Bill and Leta Rathbun, Sherry Ellison, Roselle and the guard dogs Sterling, Ridgely, Moon and Tucker. We hope to see them again some time in the future - Thank you!